Q2SWinet will feature a poster and demonstration sessions showing the latest technological advances in the area of wireless and mobile networks with a special emphasis on QoS and security. Q2SWinet offers a exiting place for developers, practitioners and researchers to share innovative applications, cutting-edge prototypes, next technology deployments, etc. More precisely, the Q2SWinet demonstration program will highlight visionary systems as well as proof-of-concepts prototypes showing new technological advances in QoS and security related to wireless and mobile systems.
We invite researchers and developers from industrial, academic, and government laboratories to present their demonstrations of original research prototypes. A prototype may consist of software, hardware or both. We also envision a posters session in which researchers can present their on-going works. All poster/demonstration submissions must up to four (4) pages in ACM style, including authors’ names and affiliations, a short abstract and should motivate the presented concepts, explain what features and scenarios will be demonstrated.
Papers must be submitted electronically through the EDAS system. At least one author of accepted papers must attend the symposium to present its contribution. No-shows of accepted papers at the symposium will result in those papers NOT being included in the ACM Digital Library
Important Dates
Poster Submission Deadline: July 20, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: August 30th, 2023
Camera Ready Version Due: September 29th, 2023